Pate de Verre
source materials
DrAgoN ~ SkiN
F 1 _ smooth-on
Cured Dragon Skin™ is very strong and very “stretchy”. It will stretch many times its original size without tearing and will rebound to its original form without distortion. Dragon Skin™ is suitable for making high performance molds and is used in many special effects applications, especially animatronics where repetitive motion is required. It is water white translucent and will accept pigments for creating color effects.
VicTorY ~ WaX
F 2 _ georgies-ceramics
Victory Brown is a true microcrystalline wax, well-suited for sculptural and moldmaking needs. It's more stable and less sticky at room temperature, but still warms easily to full malleabilty and workability with just the heat of your hands, but is slightly firmer than the white. Victory Brown casts natural shadows on the work which is an appealing quality for sculptors.
GlasS ~ FriT
F 3 _ Bullseye-glass
Crush our world-famous sheet glass and what do you have? Bullseye frit and Bullseye powder. Our frit and powder can be used in any number of ways to create interesting effects, paint on glass, and more. Bullseye Glass is Handcrafted in Portland, Oregon, USA