
5/20 INF Battalion, Command Group, Afghanistan 2012 - Kandahar Province, Zharay District.

5/20 INF Battalion, Command Group, Afghanistan 2012 - Kandahar Province, Zharay District.

Sharing American cultures with children in the villages of RC South, handing out Crayons and Notebooks.

Sharing American cultures with children in the villages of RC South, handing out Crayons and Notebooks.

Command Group, the core security detail.

Command Group, the core security detail.

Another successful friendship.

Another successful friendship.

A small break in the activities, time for a snack!

A small break in the activities, time for a snack!

Walking below the 1,200 ft. tall mountain’s in the Arghandab Valley.

Walking below the 1,200 ft. tall mountain’s in the Arghandab Valley.

The Command Group NCO leadership with our intelligence officer.

The Command Group NCO leadership with our intelligence officer.